Microwave Vs Toaster Oven: Which Is Better?

A microwave oven is a convenience appliance that most people have in their home. It can be used to cook or reheat food with the press of a button. A toaster oven is another type of electric kitchen appliance which is more versatile than a microwave and has many different cooking functions.

In this post, we will compare these two appliances- microwave vs toaster oven, from various aspects such as cost, efficiency, ease-of-use and safety. We will also talk about the advantages and disadvantages for each one so you could make an informed decision on what works best for your needs.

If you are looking for an easy way to prepare dinner quickly without spending too much money this article might help you find your answer!

How Does A Toaster Oven Work?

A toaster oven is simple in nature. A metal heating element heats up when electricity flows through it. When the button is pressed, an electric current travels through the wire and to the heating element, heating up the wire until it has reached its set temperature of 250°C (482°F).

Once that temperature has been achieved, some models will keep this heat for 15 minutes while others only keep it for 5 minutes before automatically shutting off which allows you to leave your food inside while it cools down without fear of leaving anything on all day long (and burning your house down).

How Does A Microwave Work?

Microwaves use short radio waves to cause polarized molecules found in water (H2O) to rotate rapidly back and forth, causing the water molecules to become intensely hot.

These microwaves activate vibrations in water molecules which cause molecular friction by banging into one another until they are moving at very high speeds. As these molecules collide with other polarized substances that are also water (which is essentially everything—it’s not just used for cooking food), they can heat up any substance that contains even a trace of water through conduction, no matter what it is made of.

Though this process seems simple on the surface, microwaves have actually been found to have many negative side effects which are harmful for humans who ingest them long term.

What Are The Benefits Of Each?

An oven can cook your food quickly and to perfection while a microwave can heat your food up.

A traditional oven is better for cooking large portions of food that require more than 30 minutes of cooking time. A traditional oven will cook your meal all the way through, leaving you with the tastiest results (and hopefully not burnt pieces on the outside and raw meat in the center).

With a toaster oven, it’s possible for certain parts to be cooked too much or even burn because there are no sensors built into these products. A microwave , however, is best used for heating up leftovers quickly without adding any additional flavors or creating additional smells within your home. Microwaves also cook very fast so if you’re someone who doesn’t have much time but still wants something fresh then this is the product for you.

Benefits Of Using A Microwave Oven

  • Very little cleaning involved
  • You can cook multiple things at once in different compartments
  • Doesn’t heat up your house like an oven would (can be very useful during summer months)

Benefits Of Using A Toaster Oven

  • Tastes better than microwaved food because it cooks more evenly and thus you won’t have to worry about overcooked or burnt areas which lead to wasted food and means extra money down the drain.
  • The taste of real food cooked in a traditional oven cannot be substituted by any microwave, ever!
  • Doesn’t give off harmful radiation that microwaves do
  • Great for families who don’t eat together or individuals who live alone
  • Great for people with dietary needs where they must cook their food using less electricity (i.e. vegan, vegetarian)

Microwave Vs Toaster Oven: Comparison

Microwave ovens and toaster ovens are both common kitchen appliances that people use for cooking different types of food. However, there are a variety of differences between a microwave and a toaster oven that can make one or the other more suitable for certain tasks. Among these are the amount of time it takes to cook food, the level of difficulty involved in using each appliance, how much space is required for storage within the kitchen, energy usage costs, and overall convenience.

If you’re looking for an easy way to prepare meals quickly without having to spend too much time around your stovetop, then you might want to choose a microwave over a convection oven. Also, individuals who live alone may prefer using microwaves since they do not take as long as toaster ovens to prepare food. Microwaves are also useful as a way of heating up pre-made foods from the grocery store, such as dinners and side dishes.

On the other hand, if you want a more high-tech cooking option that lets you precisely control the temperature and timing of your meal preparation, then a toaster oven is likely a better choice for you. In addition, those who have larger families might enjoy having a toaster oven so they can cook more food at once without using too much energy overall. People with limited storage space within their kitchen may also prefer using a large toaster oven over a microwave because it requires less room overall for storing after use.

Cooking Process

Microwave ovens cook with radians of energy that cause water molecules in food to vibrate, thus creating heat. Microwaves are primarily used for reheating or boiling water, with limited applications for cooking foods.

The toaster oven is primarily used for baking and toasting bread. Toaster ovens usually have a wired rack so they can toast more than one piece of bread at once. They also may include functions such as broiling, pizza, and baking.


Although microwave is convenient when in a hurry, a good toaster oven broiler has the power you need in a small package that’s easily put away when you’re done.

A toaster oven tends to be more convenient at doing smaller tasks – baking one or two cookies, reheating up some lunch, cooking one egg – while your microwave is better suited for cooking spaghetti or potatoes or any dinner with mass quantities of food.

You can also use it as an alternative to conventional heating for items such as plates and bowls which might melt if heated directly on top of a stove burner. Having both appliances makes it easy to have just about anything ready at the push of a button.

Cooking Efficiency

A microwave involves quick-cooking the food in short amounts of time, while a toaster oven allows your food to cook more naturally with no added cooking time. The advantage of microwaves is that they use less energy than regular ovens, but the heat distribution in any kind of stove is uneven.


Not only does a toaster oven get the job done without heating up your whole house, it’s also a proper replacement for a conventional oven in many ways. You can put anything from pizza slices to lasagna casseroles to cakes and cookies inside of these appliances which makes them perfect for family-sized meals you might usually make in an oven.

As with microwaves, some models have different options on how to cook – from grilling or broiling to baking at different temperatures on just one rack or two. And although they don’t have convection capabilities like standard ovens do, there are plenty of accessories that let you add just that feature.


In terms of price, a microwave oven tends to be more expensive than a toaster oven. In fact, countertop microwaves can cost as much as $300 USD or more, while the average toaster oven usually costs between $150 and $200 dollars. However, it is important to keep in mind that due to their compact design, microwaves require less materials to manufacture compared with convection ovens; this means that overall they can be cheaper in terms of the total amount you spend on ownership over time (energy usage rate not included).

Cooking Time

The length of time required for cooking food is another area where there are noticeable differences between using a microwave vs using a convection oven. While this will vary depending on certain factors such as model type and make , generally speaking a microwave oven cooks food more quickly than a convection oven. In addition, microwaves are especially useful for defrosting frozen foods, as they cook the exterior of the food more quickly while leaving the interior cold. A toaster oven, on the other hand, is usually better suited for cooking large pieces of meat and vegetables that require longer lengths of time in order to be properly cooked through and/or boiled/steamed.

One final thing worth mentioning is that microwaves do not brown or crisp food as well as a traditional toaster oven can during preparation. Also, some people may prefer using a regular toaster over using either appliance because both provide greater control over how much you want your toast or waffles to be heated (i.e. whether or not you want them to be lightly or darkly browned).


In terms of the overall energy usage rate associated with owning a microwave vs a convection oven, microwaves tend to use less power than a traditional toaster oven. Therefore, if your kitchen is prone to experiencing frequent power outages, then using a microwave may be more suitable for saving on electricity costs over time (when compared with convection ovens). If saving money on energy bills is not as important to you, then you might want to go with choosing an appliance based on other factors such as the convenience level they provide.


Overall, there are several pros and cons associated with both appliances that make either one more useful than the other depending on how you plan to use it. If you are thinking about buying one of these appliances, microwave vs toaster oven, then hopefully the information given in this article will be able to help you make a better purchase decision.

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